Join our API Calidad y Naturaleza
Your business will meet the requirements of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which is obligatory since 1 January 2014 pursuant to the Spanish Royal Decree-Law 1311/2012 which came into force on 14 September 2014 and regulates the sustainable use of phytosanitary products.
Means of production will be used wisely.
Crops’ profitability will be improved.
You will count on the necessary help and guidance for a valid farming business register.
Our team will advise and forewarn you in case of inspection by the competent authorities.
You will enjoy comprehensive technical assistance.
You will be able to improve your employees’ working conditions.
You may benefit from grants: some eco-friendly production systems are eligible for grants. In fact, there are grants available for those farmers who joined an API before 2009 and for those whose crops are placed in drainage basins that drain off into reservoirs for domestic use or into protected areas.
Our services:
Preparation of the documents required for the registration in the Register for Integrated Production of the Spanish Regional Government of Andalusia (Registro de Producción Integrada de Andalucía), as part of our API.
Technical assistance about any detail of your crops or about the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in order to comply with the policies, the law 1311/2012 and the Specific Regulations of Integrated Production (Reglamentos Específicos de Producción Integrada).
Information about helps
Filling of your farming business register
Visits to Biological Control Stations (Estaciones de Control Biológico) and phenological, physiological and sanitary status monitoring (pets and diseases) of crops. Besides, we will send you a weekly report about the situation of your crop’s location.
Visits to your farming business.
Sample taking and soil, water, foliar and multiresidue analysis.
Hiring of a certifying body.