Olive tree varieties available

We are one of the few plant nurseries in the European Union with a multiplication license for the olive tree variety Sikitita.
The clone for the olive tree variety Royal de Cazorla can be found in our facilities. From the clone, which is recognised by the authorities, we get our original starting material to obtain certified plants.
We also multiply and select other varieties that show potential characteristics, such as Favolosa and Carlesca.
- Varieties available:
The main characteristics of this Italian variety are the following: medium vigour, high resistance at low temperatures, late ripening stage, fruity and aromatic oils, low production alternation, medium-large fruit size, high resistance at olive peacock spot, high resistance at hydric stress, medium-high fat yield, high oleic acids and polyphenols content.
The main characteristics of this Italian variety are the following: medium vigour, rapid start of production process, very high fat yield, high resistance at verticilium, fruity oils, early ripening stage, medium fruit size, high production alternation.
The main characteristics of this UCO-IFAPA* Spanish variety are the following: low vigour, high resistance at hydric stress, adapted for superintensive groves, very high fat yield, high resistance at low temperatures, low production alternation, well-balanced and soft oils.
Royal de Cazorla, Picual, Arbequina, Cornezuelo, Koroneiki, Frantoio, Hojiblanca, Cornicabra, Empeltre and Picudo.