Find the special fertiliser that you need to achieve the best results

Inyect Power Total

Liquid fertiliser for fertigation.


Total Nitrogen (N) 15 %
Phosphorus (P2O5) 4 %
Potassium (K2O) 10 %
Total Organic Material 16 %
Total Humic Extracts 12 %


Special liquid fertiliser for fertigation. Thanks to the equilibrium on its composition, it can be used at any time of the year. It is formed by fulvic acids and a high nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, which make it a very complete fertiliser. It improves the plant’s development, the flowering and fruit setting process and, thus, the harvest’s development.

Keep out of the reach of children. Keep away from food, drinks and animal feedingstuffs.

Keep product between 2ºC and 40ºC. The usual preventive measures for the handling of products should be adopted. The product is not flammable.


200-300 L/ha.